Strength in Numbers: Numerology (An Intro)

“All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

According to Wikipedia, Numerology can be defined as any belief or tradition which views numbers as having divine or coinciding factors. Modern day scientists do not label numerology as a mathematical study but a pseudoscience, generally saying that the inability to master a complete understanding of numerology discredits any demonstrative capability. Early mathematicians discovered and uncovered an inconceivable amount of what today’s scientists do base their truth upon through use of numerology, which was then accepted as social fact among all sciences, philosophies, religion and popular culture.  Reality was regarded as a unifying force with complex, embedded connections evident in all things conceivable. Connecting the dots of that which we are already conscious of would be a task no man or woman could complete in one mortal lifetime but those who begin to look into the endeavor only need so many relations before content to maintain sanity and leave the finite mysteries winking upon them knowingly from endless heavens.

Quantum physics has encountered cracks in what was thought as universal law, confronting a wild card in truth. What is true for one reality may not ascribe to it’s parallel states. The reality of our conscious is made up of consistencies that are sensibly understood with cycles. We go to bed and without a thought given know the sun will rise as morning comes, that the moon will cycle through the same phases in the same order, that nature will continue to replicate in pattern and that which ceases never was to begin with. Using mathematics to study life’s interconnected mysteries was a practice in ancient Babylonia, philosophized in Hellenistic Alexandria and among their astrologers, it was heavily studied by early Christian and Jewish mystics and still thrives at the core of the Kabbalah. Early Gnotics, The Hindu Vedas, the Chinese “Circle of the Dead,” Egyptian’s Ritual of the Dead are all kin to numeric significance. Many of it’s beginnings happened simultaneously and cannot be credited to any one culture. In 570 BC, Pythagoras and his followers found meaning and philosophy in the idea of a spiritual numeric correlation. Correspondingly, Mayans felt the universe, age, cycles could break down into a numeric understanding that was both sacred and alive.

Australian philosopher David Stone pointed out that different pseudoscientific beliefs such as numerology and astrology may be pathological in different ways. When critiquing such beliefs, philosophers and scientists should take into account that the fallacies that give rise to the derogatory means found in one pseudoscience may not be applicable to the other.. Neptune was discovered by pure mathematical calculation before the planet was even observable. That was only as recent as 1848. The mystic astronomers, Kepler and Tycho, back when our not so universal laws were still incomplete and budding theories, revealed a unifying factor in mathematics, energy and sound. As all matter is energy and energy is vibration, what is known as The Music of the Spheres describes each celestial body to transmit a frequency that can be transcribed into a note of music using math. It is said that Venus is the finest.

The phenomenal practice of numerology is not just privy to the scientists but can be used as a tool in understanding our own lives more fully. Meanings evolve as conscious awareness evolves. Each number has its own tendencies. The resultant is able to reveal the hidden key to personality themes. Missing or abundant numbers indicate where our balance leans. The dominant and sub-dominant essences in several numbers together hold significance. The power in a name reveals truth to why we may not like our name and why names are often changed to suit traits described in other numbers (Magic Johnson, for example.) Remember, the connections are bottomless and boundless. You will always be adding and at times subtracting until you arrive at a number from 1 to 9. There are master numbers that do not ascribe to the single digit basis which will be mentioned. I created a chart to show the corresponding alphabet letters and numbers for name and word numerology.

wpid-wp-1404493523918.jpegThe odd numbers are the yang/masculine: active; creative; cold; thrusting. Even numbers are yin/feminine: passive; receptive; yielding; warm. Remember that yin/yang is not gender specific in its terms of masculine and feminine and that both traits are visible in either sex. We live in a world that is strongly masculine and out of balance. A shift back to balance began over 100 years ago with the womans movement; the turmoil now is the universes attempt to balance the scales and sync into the Aquarian Age. The feminine side will reverse again as it was at the time of the Goddess. A multitude of fascinating revelations can be quickly added or subtracted such as friendship numbers, life challenge numbers (early life challenge, later life challenge, and the challenge found within the theme of your entire life) but for now we’ll stick to basics. Your Life Path Number is who you are, the core of your personality, the person you were already born as, the traits embedded into your being. It is what you project. It would be like your aura color, for example (each number does have a corresponding color as well.) Keep in mind you have many numbers just as you have many aspects to who you are emotionally, intellectually, spiritually. Try adding your phone number, address, anything you’d like. Write out your full name but do each part separately before adding your first, middle, and last. You can also write out the name you go by, how you sign your name (if you leave out your middle name or not, try your married and maiden if applicable) and remember that the power of a name is like a crown or coat and you can change it at anytime. You won’t change the person you were born as but can always re-write what is yet to be.

For example, numbers are assigned to letters as follows:

  • 1 = a, j, s

  • 2 = b, k, t,

  • 3 = c, l, u,

  • 4 = d, m, v,

  • 5 = e, n, w,

  • 6 = f, o, x,

  • 7 = g, p, y,

  • 8 = h, q, z,

  • 9 = i, r

…..and then summed. Examples:

  • 3,489 → 3 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 24 → 2 + 4 = 6

  • Hello → 8 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 25 → 2 + 5 = 7

The Numbers: There are no “bad” numbers as duality exists within all things. Each is ascribed its pros and cons. This is a general outline of the most common associated key meanings. Various numbers can strengthen or weaken each other. You can add up numbersanywhere in lifelife. Take note of where you find similar sequences.

1) Keywords: Individual, aggressor, leadership, self, yang.

The numerology meaning to this number is unity, beginnings, God, masculine, creative, symbol of creative and mental activity. This number expresses leadership, spotlight type individuality. There is a tendency to be organized and ambitious. Ones go to the top in everything that peaks their interest, reflecting a natural leader. They are forerunners and original thinkers. Leadership roles and positions in power make them happiest. Often loners, with capacity for aggressive behaviors may overshadow better judgement with their ambition for success. The biggest lesson for Ones is to dim that spotlight and sit back sometimes to recognize and appreciate the light in others.

2) Keywords: Balance, union, receptive, partnership, yin

Dualist beliefs, Gnostic. This is a feminine number with traits like yielding, receptive, accepting, forgiving, passive, uncomplicated and stable. Twos makes things or group functions more efficient. Devotion to truth and simplicity is of major importance. Opposite of the Ones personality, Twos follow, make good subordinates and team members. Often too subservient which others perceive as weak or shy but accurately is just a natural gentleness. They tend toward diplomacy and stand for peace. Twos can appreciate both sides of an argument and make good mediators. Their path in life is to nurture and make the ideas of others shine and to make their systems work. The need for peaceful assertion is key to operating smoothly. They strive (without the use of force) to take the path of peace whenever possible while others can manage over bumpier roads and not be as affected by the hurdle as the Two would. Yet, when their system works, the Twos life will work extremely smooth.

3) Keywords: Communication/Interaction

Masculine. The Holy Trinity (father, son, and holy ghost). Threes are active, harmonious, pleasure–loving, and bring joy to others as indicated in the meaning of three, in numerology. Many politicians are threes with excellent conversational skills, but they can often be superficial. They give hope to others who see the dark side of things. These shining lights work hard to stop negativity from entering into their lives. The good in something usurps the bad every time. They are born mediators between 1 and 2 in order to draw them together. Extreme versatility and highly sociable attitudes make them well liked. In partnerships, they are sexually interested and interesting both. Threes meet and live life head on.

4) Keyword: Creation

Feminine. The number of matter in numerology meanings. Represents 4 seasons, 4 elements, 4 directions, 4 sides to a cube. Fours mirror magical geometry and buildings. They are stable, rigid, sure-footed, determined to reach their goals in a straight line. When things come without effort, fours are uneasy, wondering if something is good if it comes without hard work. Often they are so focused on their goal they miss the small pleasures of life. These stable, security loving people are often unmoving and dull. They are hard working, good employees especially in planning, organization and administration. Fours biggest challenge is to find the “middle of the road”, so they have balance in their lives.

5) Keywords: Action, restlessness, life experience

Masculine. Number of the senses, four limbs and one head make five main projections from the torso. Stars. Also sexual, male (3), female (2). Fives are likely to be restless, lively, adventuresome, quick-thinking, and quick-tempered. They love change and challenge, but take too many risks. It’s common for them to act first and think later, which causes stumbling along the path. Fives numerology meaning shows them to be progressive, free thinking, exciting, fun loving and sexual. Simple everyday life is unattractive to these types. Fives handle unexpected changes and challenges well. Five’s goal is to be forever youthful and have a good sense of humor. These traits make them happy and pleasurable company. Freedom is important to them, so stability conscious types would do better to look somewhere else.

6) Keywords: Home/family, responsibility, artistic

Feminine. The combination of the upward male triangle and downward female triangle for the 6 pointed star. Sixes numerology meaning shows they possess the nurturing side of womanhood: safe, stable, warm, domestic, and motherly. Sixes are natural homemakers, giving love, warmth and security to their families even if they are a man. They are supportive, harmonious, companionable, responsible, good problem solvers who know life requires adjustments along the way. Sometimes smugness and a self-satisfying attitude can reveal an interfering know-it-all. Sixes major lesson in life is to adapt and adjust to lives changes in themselves and others.

7) Keywords: Thought/consciousness, spirit

Masculine. This is the holiest and most magical of all the numerology numbers, possessing strength and psychic ability. Creation and rest in 7 days, 7 pillars of wisdom, 7 chakras,  7 stars in the Big Dipper. Sevens are reflective and have a tendency towards mysticism or the occult. This is the number of an introspective individualists who is often a loner. They’re highly intellectual, and not materialistic, but somehow money finds them. Not considered social butterflies, sevens are often perceived as cold and distant. It’s immaterial, because they are unaffected by the opinions of others. Sevens are disciplined and work well without supervision, which they prefer to team efforts. Often they will escape into daydreaming, needing little rest, relaxation and sleep. Their challenge in life is to seek and understand the Truth. Sevens need to be gentle with themselves though, and learn that being alone is not the same as loneliness.

8) Keywords: Power/sacrifice

Feminine. This is the number of material matters and practicality. But, eights must learn how money can be used for the greater good. Through numerology meanings this is their challenge. They are a symbol of infinity, which leads to the next life…the eight-fold path away from materialism in Buddhism. Eights like to accumulate wealth. This number is worldly and hardworking, but often lacks patience and pliability. Eights are tough, being persistent till they accomplish a task. They make excellent business people because they like order and making money. Often they lose what they make though. They can be ruthless in pursuit of their goals. On the other hand, they are very family oriented, protecting their loved ones. Learning that love, passion and marital commitment are just as much a part of success as material gain is another of their numerology meaning challenges.

9) Keywords: Highest level of changes

Masculine. A product of 3 x 3 makes nine a powerful number. Nine represents achievement and completion. There are 9 months in pregnancy, 9 initiations during our advancing from a lower stage to a higher stage. In numerology meaning, nines are achievers, possessing bright ideas, high ideals, and innate abilities. They take the big picture into consideration with their broad visions, global thinking, and universal problem solving capabilities. Their goal is to culminate, complete and finish all endeavors. Nines are always looking for ways to improve on any situation or project. Traveling to distance places and possibly even having a foreign spouse is all part of a nines makeup. These high energy people are creative and often artistic, but they can be self-centered when it comes to their achievements. Recognition is important, but they will never flaunt their achievements. Nines biggest challenge according to numerology meaning…is to let go! When something has reached completion…it has outlived its usefulness. Or, as in the case of a relationship, it may simply be time to end it, which means you have to let it go.

We’ll explore master numbers later. Feel free to share your connections and to share this post as the new age has brought upon a definite return and intrigue toward the collective conscious!


The Benefits to Keeping a Tarot Journal



The benefits in keeping a Tarot Journal are huge and impact your personal journey with the Tarot in ways you’ll later be  thankful for. Not only are you learning from the texts and other resources you read and record notes on  but you are creating a  personal Tarot memoir. Charting your evolving growth by applying your own experiences, insights and observations increases your ability to develop more depth in your understanding, remember what you have read and written, and track your own growth  in layers  of unveiling realization that you can draw upon and stack along the way. By the end, you’ll have your very own book  of the most significant Tarot wisdom you’ve accumulated, stemming out of gut instinct, intuition, and a personal and priceless relationship you’ve formed with the cards. Journals also aid in your spiritual development. Cards hold many meanings and what perceive in a card one day may be a different but just as significant uncovering the same card may bring on another day,
I keep a binder so that I can withdraw or add pages in the order I like without having to re-organize and re-do everything. Sections are key to an organized and practical personal encyclopedic journal.  Create a  section each for the trumps, the minors and suits with a page dedicated to every card where you can note the meanings, keywords and phrases that clarify the card best to you in your words, note your impressions, daily card insight, quotes or poems that may remind you of the card, as well as helpful techniques and methods you’ve gained from various sources. Dedicate another section to numbers, as numerology plays a big role in the card meanings.  I tab four cover pages divided by the suits, the cover pages are associations to the suit in general. Then in each section I have pages one (ace) to ten. Ten’s are partial to Tarot rather than Numerology but there is enough information on what the totality of ten means alone, in Tarot, to give it a page. The court cards are a whole series on their own and have a section divided into Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings. The page title for the court cards includes other names they can go by (like the Princess which is the Page in Crowley’s deck and the Shaman which replaces the King in the Mother peace Tarot.) Another section can be devoted to spreads you’d like to keep and use or spreads you’ve created on your own. Another  can go to meditations, activities, keys, techniques, games, oracle and symbol meanings, Lenormand cards and rituals or drawings you do of the cards. Drawing your daily card is a useful technique to picking up the little details you may have missed before. Using the cards as creative writing prompts is another tool you can add to the list of the Tarot’s talents. 
You can write in your journal anywhere. There are benefits and useful factors in both creating a Tarot space or journaling in public.  From busy atmospheres like cafes where you can find real life archetypes (a friend of mine and I play an amusing game  — well, it entertains us — where we’ll call out real life Tarot archetypes in the people we see, “Oh, there goes the Hierophant,” as a stern looking headmaster or clergy member goes  by.) In creating a sacred space you can tack up pictures of corresponding deities, Tarot art, create an alter with elemental representations for each suit (a chalice, wand, dagger, disk. Or candle for fire, crystals for earth, etc.) In a similar way, Tarot Journaling should incorporate the four realms of your experience: spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical. It should integrate your senses. The imagery and colors should please your sense of sight. Listen to background music. Use scented oils and candles. Have a cup of tea or coffee (and maybe read the leaves or beans, after.) When you write in your journal you are working with the inner world (rather than the outer, as you would during a reading). The creative pursuits are in your own mind. You can create a sacred space to go to in meditation using a scene from a card. You can select at random or choose where you’d like to go. Then envision yourself holding that globe and looking over your castle walls, as in the Two of Wands, or perhaps enjoying a lush garden as in the Nine of Pentacles. Writing about these experiences will build your instinctual knowledge of the cards while forming personal relationships with the figures, each as an aspect of yourself regardless of the illustrated divisions within the cards. You should ultimately  be capable of empathy and familiarity with both the losing side and the solitary winner found on the Seven of Swords as well as the betrayed and betrayer found in the Five of Swords. When you choose a card, build your relationship by reflecting on a real life experience the card reminds you of. It could be in your own life or it could remind you of someone else. Perhaps the Seven of Swords will bring back a memory of a person who needed to always be that winner. The knights are excellent stand in’s for ex boyfriends. The Knight of Wands sets the pace and is more ego driven than feelings led. The Knight of Swords is brash and cannot admit wrongs. The Knight of Cups is the needy, love sick puppy (definitely a Cancer sign; I’d know). While the Knight of Pentacles is a bit stuffy and “cheap” with his dolla bills.
Journals are useful when your stalked by a re-occuring card and will help track when/where this card appeared and what the reading was about. You’ll also have all of your information in one spot. You may want to begin the same way each time, writing as if to your future self (who will be checking back and noting which readings turned out as for seen), date the page with the moon phase/sign, time of day, etc. Write your mood and the reason for the reading. Recap the day’s events as it’s helpful in uncovering patterns snd synchronized events. Shortcuts and abbreviations are helpful when repeating words and images. You may want to use the roman numbers or create your own key.  You don’t have to stick to the traditional journal, either. Embark on your own Fool’s Journey, writing from the perspective of the Fool who, on his quest, comes across each of the figures in the Major Arcana and learns an invaluable lesson. Another idea to keep in mind is the sequence of events that unfolds in each suit. If you lay out the cards beginning with the Ace, the initial thought, feeling, action and idea (presented by the angel Michael’s heaven extended hand in Ryder Waite’s Aces) and follow through til the finale, the ten, you’ll see it begins, builds and ends like a story plotline.
If you repeat what you record in your daily readings, save  time and print a checklist with areas left for notes at the end. Some ideas to take out of each reading:
  • the date, time, location
  • astrological data
  • name of who the reading is for or if it is a daily reading
  • the question or concern
  • name of spread
  • name of deck
  • cards in each position
  • number of major arcana cards that came up
  • predominant suits and elements
  • predominant colors
  • missing suits
  • significant details
  • keywords and phrases
  • numerical significance and interpretation
  • pairs and combination cards
  • positive interpretations
  • negative connotations
  • intuitive response, spiritual response, emotional, intellectual, physical
  • themes (elemental, kabbalistic, numerical, astrological)
  • corresponding hebrew letter or kabbalistic sephiroth/pillar
  • additional questions developed during reading
  • conclusion
The site TarotJournaling,com, run by Llewellyn, served as a guideline for my “refurbished journal”. Downloadable pages for Tarot Journaling can be found there as well. Google free PDF’s and docs on Tarot Journaling and prompts (there are so many free sources out there. If you’re disciplined and patient, there is no reason to not teach yourself. YouTube also has tutorials if you rather listen or watch rather than read.)
“The benefit of keeping a Tarot journal comes from the process of writing your thoughts, feelings, insights, and observances. You can be sad, silly, angry, profane, or anything else you want to be without fear of reprisal. The journal becomes the chronicle of your life story. As you reread entries, you will find the journal to be a record of growth, wisdom, healing and magic. You may be surprised at how much sense the cards make at a later date. Honor all information you receive, regardless of whether you grasp it today. Adopt an attitude of respectful regard and do not dismiss the cards you don’t like or don’t understand. The message is in the cards – if you stay with the cards. Over time, with patience and practice, the puzzle pieces will fall into place.” -Christine Jette, Tarot for all Seasons





An Interview on Runes, Divination, and Magick



Willow practices nature magick (the Leiva’s system) and Buddhism. He specializes symbolism, runes, geomancy and sigils and is educated in Celtic, mythic, and fey lore.


Eve: So, in your opinion, is runes more like the Tarot or a type of Geomancy?
Willow: Runes and Geomancy both have Tarot associations. Geomancy can be taken to other levels outside of nature where the symbols can be seen everywhere in your life. Geomancy is a system of dots,like I Ching, but instead of divination through coins, it’s used wherever it pops out at you. Runes are also read in the earth so it’s more of like using the whole world as your oracle. If it were family, geomancy and runes would be brothers. Tarot would be like the sister, the only girl – Tarot has so many different depictions within one card that it can be as complicated as a woman. Runes are more simple. Like the X (Gabo) – the relationship rune – it’s like dealing with one chromosome. Runes can be worn as amulets, and since they are purely symbols, can be used in sigil magick as well without altercation. You can stick with the nature theme and carve your own runes in wood, vines, etc. There are specific runes to accompany travelers and ward off harm, etc.
Eve: The blank rune, known as Odin’s rune, it that as debatable as the reversed Tarot card?
Willow: Odin’s rune can be interpreted in many ways but translates to a clean slate, it’s association in the Tarot is the Emperor which points more to Odin than the rune’s meaning so the associations themselves can be vague in their actual meaning. Some people dismiss the blank rune completely like reversed Tarot cards but most people regard it as the unknown, beginning a new cycle, transformation, basically the same associations you would relate to a new moon.
Eve: Originally I thought of runes as the symbolic version of the Tarot and used them in spreads but then began casting out runes instead (drawing them from a pouch and tossing them in front of you), also I found and began working with “magick formula” rune sigils. What do you think are the most common ways runes are used?
Willow: Casting but people who are into runes see them everywhere. –Even on your skin, sometimes. (Pointing to a patch of freckles I have on my right arm, Willow begins connecting dots.) See, you have the rune for protection, when it’s facing you. (A line with three paths is now drawn on my arm, connect the dot with freckles!) Runes are also an alphabet, so you can write spells in Futhark, one of the great magical languages. Hey, you have the warrior rune on your other arm. (Traces an arrow out of another little patch of freckles, this time on my left arm.)
Eve: Ahh, I feel like a warrior now. They’re kind of placed proportionately and equally; I feel like these are my permanent automatic protection circles now. No need to chalk up the floor, anymore.
Willow: Yeah, like Sam and Dean’s demon warding tattoo’s (from the TV series Supernatural.)






Symbolism: An Intro

An Intro to Symbolism

“The Tarot is Symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs.” – Arthur Edward Waite


tarotpriestessThe pictures on the cards tell stories. They are full of allegory and allude to myths, fairy tales, archetypes. Knowing the meaning and history of the symbols gives you layers and depth to build readings upon. The Doctrine of Correspondences, a “law” of occult metaphysics and magic, says symbolic analogies and affinities exist among everything in the universe of the same or similar vibration and that which affects one thing affects others through this symbolic link, Symbols within your readings may pop up in synchronization like in dreams or in daily life. Everything in a card can be seen as aspects of yourself even when it represents something else. Your association to a symbol is what is most important. Carl Jung used the term “amplification” for acquiring knowledge and personal associations about symbols. “The psychological mechanism for transforming energy is the symbol.” – C.G. Jung
To “amplify” a symbol, list what it is that appears on the card as well as the color or any other clues about how the symbol appears. “White horse” or the “tattered red robe” write what you know about the meaning. What are the objects used for? The nature of the symbol, its function, what it does. Where has this symbol appeared literally in your life, in relation to your issue or just recently? Does it remind you of anything else? Look for re-occuring patterns and themes and summarize each of them. Which meanings go beyond the literal, can never be reduced to words, and intimate a greater reality? Joseph Cambell, in Thou Art That, says “When you are given a dogma telling precisely what kind of meaning you shall experience in a symbol, explaining what kind of effect it should have on you, then you are in trouble. Symbols may not have the same meaning for you than it had for a council at Levantine bishops in the fourth century. The individual’s assent to a definition is not nearly important as his or her having a spiritual experience by virtue of the influence of the symbol.”

Symbolism is not a key partial to the Tarot, alone. Symbolism is The Key for interpreting and maneuvering through all of life.

The world of symbols can be navigated by wishes and fears as guides. Images take on meaning and eventually can be interpreted into answers. Symbols are the secret language of the universe and by forming a key of personal associations to a symbol, you are creating a road map in which life can be navigated. Symbolism is the secret language, studied as a mystic art, the initiation of a process for personal growth and change. Symbolism is what allows us to recognize synchronization, cycles, foreshadowing, meaning, and even the subliminal, that without the awareness of symbols as a language, would slip quietly by our conscious and straight to the subconscious. Through symbols, we can find the hidden purpose and depth in everything around us. We can recognize patterns and intercede, making destiny our own. We can grasp a better understanding of ourselves, our habits, the messages portrayed to subtly control society, we can free our minds and regain individual purpose and insight. We can find the nature behind the why’s and what’s that form every event, lesson and person, gifting us the upper hand and wisdom when it comes to our every day dealings. Symbolism unveils hidden truths and once we grasp that key, new doors appear. Coincidence becomes less likely, repeated imagery becomes more apparent, we learn to see the signs that were once invisible and can choose the road we want to take, in turn, taking back our control. Though there will always be the unexpected, the inexorable force that can break the ground from right beneath our feet, we can comprehend the lesson quicker, attaining a new composure toward all that may come our way.


“Now we see the real use of the Tarot pack. It is for living in and arranging our lives with. The cards are the exchange-symbols between inner and outer life… Altogether, the Tarot is a most valuable collection of a psycho-physical currency convertible into either dimension.” – Wm. B. Gray, Magical Ritual Methods.

My belief is in positive intention and in faith. It is not the words in a spell, in a chant, the salutations or even the idea of the protective circle. It is the personal meaning someone could put faith in. Use what you believe in.




Tarot Scenes

wpid-80220f9f9e9706deb204d679611c0815.jpgLearning Tarot on your own can be intimidating. Rooting out what is most integral from walls of books, decks, websites: in the best order of comprehension, stacking aspects to memorize or extract intuitively… Tarot and Astrology, Tarot and the Kabbalah, Tarot and Numerology. So many interesting paths to delve down that it can get a little overwhelming. I have done my time carrying around more sources than a college student (as a glutton for punishment, I still prefer to wear the cuffs.) Basking in a Tarot book is bliss for a reader, but it takes so much time and there are so many paths to explore; as a once new and determined Tarot “initiate,” I was glued to Joan Bunning’s Learning the Tarot for a year or more before I felt comfortable enough to give a reading to a friend without it. Once that book was pressed into my brain folds I moved onto spreads, and from there explored the world of Tarot associations. There are a few key concepts that can help save you from the maze of mystery. Methods that require no memorization skills and will get you reading rather than reading (cards in place of books.) Hands on learning is the fast pass to learning.
Begin with a deck that has figures doing things. I really like the Ryder Waite and recommend it to all beginners as a staple deck (in my huge collection, the Ryder Waite is the deck I continuously return to and use for my core readings.) The cards each have their own unique personality, energy, or “attitude,” as Crowley says. Let the cards speak to you. Leave your intuition and pre-conceived ideas out of it for a moment and pretend that you are glimpsing into a scene from the middle of a movie. I saw one blogger phrase a similar method as, “seeing the cards move like Harry Potter images.” So you are in a theater and walk into the wrong film… first, what kind of movie is it? Describe the lay out of cards like a scene you just popped in on. “Dude, there was this tower, and people were dying, but then there was this Queen and I think some kind of horror love story involved…” There are so many different ways to see the four suits. In creating a Tarot movie summary, I like to associate the following suits with the following genres:
Wands: Action
Cups: Romance
Swords: Horror
Pentacles: Drama
This is a great method for spreads. It’s fun to look at the interaction between the cards. Tell the story by looking at how the cards literally relate to each other. Look at the expressions, who they are looking at, and why. Maybe you have three cards laid out: The Two of Wands, The Four of Pentacles, and the Seven of Swords. If these are Ryder Waite cards, none of them would be looking at each other. I see a story of selfish betrayal forming. Re-order them so that it’s the Seven of Swords, the Four of Pentacles and the Two of Wands and now the center figure is drawing the attention of the other two cards, making the story in this split second screen shot look a little more interesting. Instead of using a spread with exact meaning in each of the placements, try out card pairs. Practice (using card couples) figuring out whose looking at who and why. How does your movie scene look? By taking a quick once over you can pretty much tell, right away, if this movie’s ending is going to be a happy one or not.